Our vision is to see a world connected to the global marketplace through personal, trusting, cross-cultural relationships, building peace and increasing understanding through these business and marketplace initiatives.


The Center for Global Strategies exists to integrate peoples worldwide into the global economy by connecting them with experienced professionals and coaches to establish cross-cultural ties of friendship, investment, trade, exchange of ideas, peace and understanding.


The Center for Global Strategies builds each relationship and initiative with a unique approach. For more information regarding initiative strategies, please contact us.

Henry L. Deneen serves as Executive Director of the Center for Global Strategies, Ltd. (CGS) He also serves as GHNI Geneva's Executive Director (www.ghni.org) and served as President of Greater Europe Mission from 2007- 2015. Henry has experience as a trial attorney, Municipal Judge, and Chief Legal Counsel for Governor David M. Beasley, South Carolina. Henry continues to focus on connecting professionals in the West with government and business leaders in the rest of the world. He has led a broader effort to focus on developmental initiatives in Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Myanmar, Bulgaria, Dubai, Oman, and Vietnam. Henry earned his Doctorate in Executive Leadership with a focus on Emotional Intelligence in December 2014.